SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Tedorigawa純米吟醸 生原酒 シャキッと辛口純米吟醸原酒生酒
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I've been drinking a lot of sweet sake. My tongue is getting stupid. I thought I'd try a dry sake for a change. and I went to Yoshida Sake Brewery, where modern Yamahai is my favorite sake. Koji rice Yamadanishiki, Kake rice Gohyakumangoku 60% polished, Alcohol 15%. When I drank it, I found it to be It lives up to its name! It is delicious with little sweetness and can be drunk quickly and easily. The taste is pleasant for a lazy tongue. Dry taste is good too 😊.
Hi ymdaz 😃 I'm used to a sweet mouth, but now a dry mouth is so refreshing! I'm ready to drink again 😁. Dry is good 🤗
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. Yes, I know ‼️ I discovered how to drink dry 💡. I will try to drink it from now on without preconceived notions 😊.