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Chiebijin 備前雄町 特別純米酒 生酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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酒舗 七蔵
Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 points (wife: 7.5 points) Ingredients : Bizen Omachi Rice polishing ratio : 60 Sake Degree: -5 Acidity: 1.8 Alcohol content: 15 Sake Shop Shichikura (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) When opened, the bottle was filled with a "shuupon" (a kind of "pong"). Slightly gassy Slightly pineapple-like top note The same gentle aroma as the first sip, the firm umami of rice, and the moderate sweetness and acidity spread out with a touch of tanginess, and then it quickly fades away with a hint of bitterness. It is mellow, but the moderate acidity gives it a refreshing impression. It can be enjoyed on its own, but it is also easy to pair with a meal. It went well with kawara soba (my wife's favorite Yamaguchi specialty, which we often buy at the local fair in Aeon) and a recipe for men's rice: oysters with hash browns. It also went well with grilled kipper with salt and chilled tofu with yose-tofu.
Hi Masaaki, nice to meet you! I always refer to you and try to visit your store, but I can't seem to get there... I'm looking forward to your posts again as I'll have more chances to visit Sapporo in the future 🙇.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you for your "like", Otou-san! Since the beginning of this year, I have been going around to liquor stores in the city to buy reputable brands in Sake-no-wa (lol).