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Health checkup today😅💦. I had to take a Valium again this year, but I'm not used to that and the laxatives are hard 😭💦. With my stomach rumbling, I went to the liquor store while my sister-in-law was practicing her driving skills. The medicine for an upset stomach is sake, so I bought my first bottle of sake 😆👍. I'm going to have sashimi for my entrée. So I opened the bottle to get myself in shape: ‼️ The aroma is fruity and apple-like 🍎. The taste is sweet apple, but the aftertaste is white grape❓It's a very strange feeling.
Masa Good evening ^ ^ I had my first barium at the city health checkup 😁. I have a company checkup at the end of the month... I hope there is nothing wrong with my liver function 🙏. After the checkup, I'm going to eat ramen 🍜 and have a drink in the evening ✌️
Good evening, Manta-san😄😄❓I'm having a good dinner with sake & sashimi after the checkup. I'm having a good dinner with sake & sashimi after the checkup 💦I'm having a good dinner with ramen after the checkup 😆👍.
Laxatives, that was hard. My stomach rumbled many times😭 Sashimi is good for dinner 👍. I wonder if I had some dry sake in the fridge🤔. Let's buy some sake along with the sashimi😁.
Sake and sashimi is a sure thing 🤣👍👍 I'm still feeling a bit sluggish, but I'm feeling better, even a medium-hot sake is good enough 😆.
Hi Masa! I experienced that once and it was really painful 😭Have you gotten better yet? I heard it's hard even though it's your health checkup 😂. Please bring it back today with some drinks and snacks 😁.
Good evening, Pon😄. This is really painful 💦 I stopped having it this morning, but my stomach is still tight 😅💦 I'm thinking about stopping taking Valium next year💦.
Hi Masa☆(**ч`*) Nara sake, right? I see it a lot but rarely drink it😅. Valium is tough afterwards💦.
Good evening, Mr. Shieri 😄. I noticed when you said that, wow, I mean, the quality of Nara sake is very high 😆👍If you see it, please visit 🤗The valium is true, after that 💦I'm considering refusing next year 🤔.