Today I went out to dinner with my nephew, his girlfriend, and my wife!
The two young guys are so cute, no matter what they're doing.
After the fun party, I'm going home for a relaxing rehabilitation.
This will be my first time at the brewery again!
Ichidai Yayama by Sakrao Brewery and Distillery!
This time it was Junmai Daiginjyo Nama-Genshu!
Let's have it right away!
The first day
First, the aroma. Not much of an aroma.
When you put it in your mouth, it feels light and smooth.
Slight sweetness, then a firm bitterness.
The lingering bitter taste is also strong.
The bitterness is a little strong, but it does not interfere with the meal, so it is very easy to drink.
The more you drink it, the more the flavor comes through and it is delicious!
My wife says it is sweet and easy to drink, so I have the impression that there is still a little discomfort in her sense of taste due to the aftereffects of the Corona.
Day 5
When I put it in my mouth, I feel a fruity, fluffy sweetness.
After that, there is a lingering bitter and pungent taste.
After it finishes, the fresh sweetness lingers in the mouth, and the balance is good.
As you drink more, the beautiful sweetness is very refreshing and tasty.
I have the impression that the taste is changing a lot, and drinking it has become more and more enjoyable!
Hi ma-ki-😃
I see your nephew is still young ❗️ I feel empowered when I am with young people👍I am relieved that your taste buds are slowly coming back and you are enjoying your drinks ☺️ This bottle is simple and cool 😍.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama!
Yes, I'm so relieved and cheered up by the two cuties no matter what they're doing ✨.
My taste buds are clearly less uncomfortable than the other day, which is a relief 😋.
Black bottles are cool 😊.
Hi ma-ki-, this is another brand from an unknown brewery 😳and I'm glad your taste buds are back ✨️ I'm getting rave reviews from the pollen 😅I'm not sure if I can properly enjoy spring sake 🤤.
Thanks for your comment Nao888!
I also happened to see you at the liquor store and brought you here: ⤴️
I think my taste buds are getting something back 😋.
I'm also sick with the pollen as well 😅 I'm so uncomfortable with phlegm tangled up in it.
I want to enjoy spring sake 😥.