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Hanshin Department Store, 8th floor If you keep drinking labels with impact (you're the one who served them to me, right?) Please drink this sake from this brewery. This is the sake they originally make. This is a service. He offered me a bottle: ✌️ It has a soft and fruity aroma. I thought it would be dry because of its name, but it is an easy to drink sake with a good balance between sweetness and the umami of the rice. The clean acidity and sharpness of the taste would go well with a variety of dishes and would be good as a mealtime sake 😊. Thank you for the sake 😋.
Good evening, Lutemi. I was wondering what kind of label you were going to give me next, but the last one was a normal one 😆 I guess you thought it was about time you gave me a proper one 😁. I've never had this brand so I'd like to taste it 😊.
Pon-chan Good evening 😄I was lucky to be able to purchase the Kikumori sake brewery's impressive label, which is not easy to buy. But I am satisfied because each one was delicious 😊.