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Chojazakariかめ口直汲み 黄 純米吟醸 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒発泡
Chojazakari Check-in 1
The sun came out this afternoon and it was hot in Echigo-Yuzawa. On a day like this, I thought it would be nice to have a very cold drink, so I went to the cooler area. I remember drinking it last season and enjoying it, so I had a Choshamori again today. I like the way it's a bit chilled, and it fits my mood perfectly. I was told that it is a limited-edition product, hand-packed on the day of the first tank. I paired it with spinach with sesame paste and butterbur sprouts tempura. Wild vegetables are coming out soon. They are the best accompaniment for sake (or is it the other way around?!). It is the best accompaniment to sake (or is it the other way around?!). It is a little bit strong, but not too strong. It has a strong flavor, so the bitterness of the butterbur doesn't overpower the sweetness of the sesame paste. Since it is a pure sake, the alcohol content is a little high (17%).