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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Fourth bottle of Librom, this time mango🥭. I was confident (?) that it would taste good. I was so confident that I could open it with confidence, but then it almost spilled 💦. The aroma is, of course, mango🥭. The lactic acidity is higher than before and goes perfectly with the mango aroma. The gasiness is schwashy. Both sweet and acidic are very crisp. The acidity is stronger, but not too strong and refreshing. It has a mango yogurt atmosphere. The acidity changes to a slight astringency at the end. This astringency is exquisite and leaves a lingering aftertaste, just like after eating a piece of fruit. Anyway, it is delicious and I am amazed that it is not at all out of place. I think it deserves more recognition, but there are not many postings on Sake-no-wa, perhaps because it is not yet well known, or perhaps because there are not many places that sell it. You've been duped, buy it!!!!
Good morning, disry ☀️. I'm captivated 😆 I can't wait to catch up with you ‼️😋. I don't see any Librom at the liquor stores that carry Abe Mafia 😭. WAKAZE always has it though ✨
Good morning, staggered feet 🌞. Yes, it's the cat's rush 😽. It's true that there are only a few stores that carry it, so if it becomes popular, you may not be able to get it w😅. But please try it ❗️I guarantee it ❗️.