From Miyoshikiku Shuzo, Tokushima Prefecture...
Miyoshikiku Peach Junmai Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Sake
Peach in sake?
Does it contain peaches?
No, it is a pure rice sake made from 100% #Yamadanishiki produced in Tokushima Prefecture!
But it really has a fresh, sweet aroma reminiscent of peaches.
Fresh on the palate, with a sweetness reminiscent of peaches and grapes!
The juicy acidity and moderate astringency also give the impression of fruitiness, and it is not too sweet and fresh until the end of drinking.
This wine is perfect for the coming season when it is cooled down!
I recommend to drink it with western food rather than Japanese food.
Rice used: ・・・・ 100% Yamadanishiki produced in Tokushima prefecture
Polishing ratio・・・70
Alcohol content・・・16度
Hi Ryu 😃
I haven't tried the Miyoshikiku yet 🥲 but it has a peachy sweetness and juicy acidity😍I'll have to try this one! I'll try to find one that we like ‼️🤗
Good evening, Jay & Nobby!
I'm sorry, I overlooked it 🙇.
It's not easy to find "Miyoshikiku" 💦.
This is perfect for those who are new to Miyoshikiku, so if you see it, please do 😊🍶.