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Orokuにごり★★★ 出雲麹屋 2021 R04BY 仕込み7号純米にごり酒発泡
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Lately, I'm suddenly drinking more and more Wang Luk. I feel happy 😆. I drank it a few months ago at an izakaya in Yamagata and liked it so much I found this small bottle and bought it without hesitation 😁. I shook it before opening the bottle, but fortunately no accident happened 😆. Active nigorigo and quite vigorously effervescent. Slightly citrusy aroma on the palate. The image is dry and dry with moderate sweetness and thickness! Very tasty! Be careful or it will run out soon 😆😆. I drank one glass, left it in the fridge and was surprised to find it tasted even better than expected an hour later! It tasted exactly like the Pione grapes I had in Okayama last week 🍇😮😮😮. The one I drank in June was R03BY, brewing No. 9, production date R5.3. This time I drank R04BY, No.7, production date R5.4. I was surprised at how different sake tastes🧐. I wish I had bought two bottles of this 🥺. No 3 bottles are better 💞No, 4 bottles are better 😭😭😭 By the way, picture #4 is a gourmet meal in Okayama that I will never forget! I would buy a plane ticket just because I want to eat there. I'm exaggerating a bit 💦.
Hello. I like King Roku, up in a row! Okayama Gourmet is a Taiwanese restaurant, isn't it? Is it arranged for Japanese? Is it better than local?
Good evening, Mr. Goonyi! Claypot, Chinese stir-fry with green pepper, Bean-curd soup with red pepper, etc... These are all Chinese dishes But it is not easy to eat them in Taiwan You have to go to a better restaurant Ordinary people's restaurants don't have this kind of food.
In terms of taste. I think the seasoning here is very good! And clean and tidy environment which is not possible in Taiwan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TahXQU5_LVU
Very popular local diner. Lines are formed even before the restaurant opens.
I saw it, I watched it! I thought Chinese food was normal in Taiwan. I guess not... Next time you come to Japan, I recommend you to buy Marubiya's Bean Curd and Ajinomoto cook do's Kaipot (claypot) and Seisho (Chinese stir-fry) as souvenirs!
You can easily taste it at home! ^_^ Well, it is far from the taste of a specialty restaurant. It is like a Chinese dish that can be made at home in Japan, but it is delicious.
Good evening, Go-ni-Go-san. I know cook-do, but I didn't know about Marumiya. I'll go to the supermarket and check it out 😆. Thank you 👌 I will be traveling to Kyushu in mid-January.
Have you ever tried Chen Jianichi Mapo Tofu? I'd like to try it next time I'm in Hakata 😚.
I see that you will be playing at the 120th anniversary celebration of Taipei First Girls High School on December 12. Do you sell Marubiya? I have had Szechuan Bean Curd because a disciple of Chen Jian-ichi has a restaurant in Koriyama. Is Kyushu in Fukuoka?
I happen to live nearby😆. This girls high school is very famous. Right in front of the Taiwan Presidential Office. By the way, the Taiwan Presidential Office looks a lot like Tokyo Station in Japan. because it was designed by Upeiji Nagano, a disciple of Kingo Tatsuno 😄.
Besides Fukuoka, I plan to visit Saga, Nagasaki and Kumamoto 😚. Looking forward to it 😆.
Seriously? (°▽°) So you are neighbors... It's amazing that you even know the designer. I'm so jealous! You can see live orange🍊devil😈 (if you're interested), I'm jealous.
Mid-January is almost here, how many nights will you stay this time? How many nights will you stay this time?
Good evening, Go-ni-Go! I believe the anniversary of the founding of Taipei First Girls High School is closed to the public. It's close to the Presidential Office.., My trip is 7 days and 6 nights. There are so many places to go, it's hard to decide 😆.
Tachibana High School will be performing at Times Avenue in Kaohsiung on the 10th and a concert at the National Music Hall on the 14th. If you stay in Kaohsiung for 6 nights, you can do a lot of sightseeing. I hope you have stocked up on sake.