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Sekinoi裏 大辛本醸造
Sekinoi Check-in 1Sekinoi Check-in 2
I had a drinking party in Arakicho, Shinjuku, but I had some time to spare, so I went to an izakaya that stocks Aomori sake, which is rare in Tokyo 🍶😅. First up was Sekinoi in Mutsu City on the Shimokita Peninsula. The lady at the store told me that the brewery usually produces a sweet sake that is not typical of Aomori, but this is the "back" Sekinoi, which is a very dry sake. This is the first time for me to try it. The initial aroma has a hint of classic acidity. The mouthfeel is a robust, complex, umakuchi type. It also has a hint of sweetness with umami. It is said to have a Sake meter of +10, but the umami is so good that you don't feel it. It would be interesting to heat it up. I'd like to try a regular Sekinoi or another brand of Kantatema. It's pretty good 🍶🐎.