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Hirotogawa Check-in 1Hirotogawa Check-in 2
A bottle you are familiar with. Hirotogawa Special Junmai. I rarely buy a bottle of sake. Because I drink a lot of nama-shu, I usually finish a bottle within a week. I haven't been to this liquor store in a while. The store has been renovated and cleaned up. The display is nice and easy to see. At first, I picked up a four-pack as usual. One bottle... is not enough. Let's buy two bottles. I have a conversation with the owner. It's good to drink Hirotogawa slowly, isn't it? ...Why don't we just buy a bottle? So I bought a bottle. Opening the bottle. Transfer it to a tin chirori. A gentle aroma. The sweetness spreads slowly. I've been drinking it at room temperature because it's an ipponmasu bottle, but it tastes better at room temperature. I'm sure it's also good warmed. If you have a lot of it, you'll end up drinking too much. I need to drink it slowly.
Isn't it nice to have a bottle of sake? It's a Japanese food culture. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I'm sure you'll agree with me.
The needs of the general public have already diverged. Sake is no longer drunk by the bottle, but it is not drunk in the home.
Dear Pittama. Thank you for your comment! I can't deny the content of the article, but it's definitely a Japanese food culture. I haven't bought an ippon bottle in a long time, but it's great, cosy and safe.
Bana@39, I apologize for the omission comment. Thank you for empathizing that there is history and goodness in a bottle at home. I'm glad we have Sake no Wa to have such conversations😊.