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Nabeshima特別純米酒 green label特別純米
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Nabeshima Special Junmai Sake Green Label It's the start of the summer holidays and the Olympic Games! On the first day, we started with our first Nabeshima sake! Watching football and drinking Saga sake! Nice to meet you! I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I'm talking about💦. I forgot to be careful how to open it, and it was a bit dangerous 💦. It's a fruity, fluffy, clear aroma. It is lightly sweet and has a delicious rice flavor. It has a lightly sweet taste, with a delicious rice flavor, and a refreshing bitterness that remains, but with a clean finish. It is suitable for summer and is easy to drink with a smooth throat! But it was a frustrating match against South Africa! Not so much the South Africans, but the referees! I'm glad they won, thanks to Kubo! Thanks to you, Kubo! === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15 degrees 720ml 1,570yen === ★★☆☆☆