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Azumatsuru蝉しぐれ スパークリング 生
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I've been hooked on Azuma Tsuru-san lately: ❣️ I love the name "Semishigure" 😆. It's a word that refers to the sound of many cicadas chirping all at once, like the sound of a drizzling rain. It's a tasteful word! By the way, this sake ❣️ It's so good! ⤴️⤴️ It's so shwashy 😍😍! The opening went well but I accidentally let the bottle go up and down to mix the orikiri and it overflowed a lot 😂 stupid 🤣. I like the light oozy feeling ❣️ Fruity, sweet, and shwashy 🎶. I also like the slight bitterness in the aftertaste🙆 Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 14 Production date: 2024.7