Alcohol 16%.
Polishing ratio 58
Colors in the beginning.
I always thought "Kinoene" was "Koshi".
It was the beginning of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac!
The 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac are the 10 signs of the zodiac, starting with Koshi, and each year the 10 signs of the zodiac and the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac shift one by one, coming full circle in 60 years.
There is an origin for the 60th year of the 60th year of the sexagenary cycle as a reincarnation 🙆🙆.
The 10 signs of the Chinese zodiac...A, B, C, D, Boshi, Ko, Seon, Spin, Im, Gye
Chinese zodiac signs...子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥
This year is "Kou-Datsu".
Next year will be "Otomi".
This year was a year of change, next year will be a year of overcoming difficulties and growth😄.
This is the result of my internet search😅
I learned a lot. Thanks a lot.
Hello, Atsu0053 😃
Kouko! It's so good 🤗
We, in this review, learned the meaning of Kouko! I'm learning a lot ‼️ change and growth is a lot of fun 😄
Thank you for your comment, Jay & Nobby 🙇 Sake 🍶 is delicious!
The name Koshien also comes from Koshi.
So August 1, 1924 when it was completed is Koshi respectively. Please use it as a reference lol.
Here is the information on the net.