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Matsunoo-Taisha Shrine (松尾大社)
Matsuo Taisha Sake-1 Grand Prix 21 Toyonou Ume, which has been attracting a lot of attention recently due to the influence of the crazy salad pavilion. I drank Junmai Ginjo Nama Shu Matsuyama Mitsui, Polishing ratio 50%, Sake degree +2, Alcohol 16%. It is delicious with just the right amount of sweetness. I think only Saladokan carries Toyonoumai's nama-zake 🤔I think Ikari Supermarket carries the fire-brewed version. Ito wo okashi junmai ginjo katsudo usun nigori Tachiharuka (don't know the rice 😳), 60% polished rice, -10% sake, 14% alcohol. Sake made with CEL-24 yeast. I haven't had it in a while 😋. It's shwitty, pineapple sweet and tasty, with a refreshing acidity. It's a 500ml bottle, so it's the kind of sake I'd drink at home 🤣.