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Kissui Hidari Uma駆シリーズ UMAUMA ウマウマ 純米活性にごり生 2023BY純米生酒にごり酒発泡
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Tonight, the weather is getting hotter and I'm already feeling a little bummed 🥵. Here's my first alcoholic beverage post to beat the heat 🙌 Seikyuu Soma Dori Series UMAUMA Umauma Junmai Akkatsu Nigori Nama 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴. I've been interested in this brand for a while but I couldn't help but pick it up when I saw that it was an active nigori sake. ☺️ The bottle was opened easily as it was cold and chilled. 😮‍💨 The aroma was mild and smelled like yeast No. 6. It tastes like clear melon soda 🥤🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴. The dry dry aftertaste is very noticeable and it is very dangerous to drink it too fast. ⚠️ This was a horse that I will definitely repeat 😋🐴😋🐴😋😋.
Hi Kirataso, nice to meet you! I saw this one at the liquor store and was really curious about it 🤤 I knew it was as good as the name 🍶✨The dry aftertaste is dangerous 😆 I want to buy it next time it's still available 😊.
@Kotaro. Nice to meet you ☺️ I think it's a Must Buy if you can still find it at the liquor store 👛 Apparently they use white malted rice, but I get the impression it's more refreshing without being sour 🙌