Today is my second daughter's graduation ceremony 🎓.
She will be a junior high school student from April... it's early 😅
In the Chugoku area where I live, there are no stores that carry it and I can't get it... 🥺.
I've never had it and I've always wanted it, but I finally got my wish and got it the other day 😭.
Even though it's obligatory... it's perfect to open on this happy day ❗️
So now it's time to ‼️Sake no Wa Kumamoto Prefecture's top ranking sansho☺️
When I opened the bottle, the aroma was not as strong as I expected? The aroma is not as strong as I thought it would be 🤔...but I can feel the refreshing sourness 🤔.
I took a sip....
........., ‼️
This....feels more like sparkling wine white🍾 than sake🥰.
Just the right amount of lemon🍋 acidity and light sparkling🫧 pizzazz ❗️
This is probably closer to the sourness of Sentori than any other sake I've tasted 😍.
Sentori is a refreshing sake, but Sanchi is a bit more carbonated with a little bit of carbonation 👌👌
I've added it to my favorite brands in a while 🤩... but when is the next one?
I wonder when I can buy it again 😭.
I may have to go to the brewery to buy it at the earliest! LOL!
Oh no...I almost passed out 💧.
Day 2: ❗️
It's been upgraded from schwah to sizzle😱!
This is too good ❤️
Hello, koi gulls 😃!
Congratulations on your second daughter's graduation from elementary school ㊗️ 🎉So at that time, the birthplace is the perfect toast 🥂🤗We were also shocked when we had our first drink 🤩.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😆
This was at the level where I wanted to make it a regular drink 🍶 instead of a regular medicine 💊 😍.
The perfect collaboration of sourness🍋 and carbonation🫧 was addictive lol.
However, it's hard not to buy it 😂.