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Hyakushun直汲 Fraise純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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MyDome Osaka (マイドームおおさか)
Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka⑯. Kosaka Sake Brewery's booth in Hyakushun Mr. Nemuchi surprisingly said he had never had it before. I told him that the one he had had in the past was sweet and delicious, and that he would probably like it. What did he drink? Hyakushun Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Nao Kumi Fraise Polishing ratio 60%, Mino Nishiki, Sake meter -18 As in the past, it was sweet and tasty, with a berry-like flavor like strawberry. It is still delicious. Before going to the Kinkasan booth, we decided it was time to get something to eat, so we decided to check out the restaurants that were open at the event. Since it had been 2 hours, some of them were sold out and some were clearing out, so we didn't have much choice... We each got in line at different stores, but the one Nemuchi was in line for was sold out halfway through, so we both ended up eating the same thing. Sake and snacks: Hamo Katsu (pike conger cutlet) at Kurami (I forgot to take a picture)! It was very tasty 😋!