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Nakanorisan風越青嵐 純米吟醸生原酒
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I bought this wine after liking it in a drinking contest at a previous visit to Nakazen Sake Brewery. For a family dinner Sake rice is Yamae Nishiki. The aroma is cool and refreshing, with a hint of green apple. The sake is easy to drink with a slightly thickened, yet refreshing taste, with a hint of sourness and sweetness. The second half has bitterness and a yogurt-like richness that makes you want to keep drinking it. Alcoholic feeling that comes after it goes down your throat I thought it would be too much after drinking Beau Michel, which is a low-alcohol beer, but it was perfectly fine! Therefore, do not drink too much 🚫.
Kurumafu, nice to meet you😃Nakanori-san looked so delicious, please excuse my comment. I only had experience with Nakanori-san sparkling, but I think I like this one a lot too. I'll get it when I come across it: ❣️
Thanks for your comment, Wakata. I've never had the sparkling one, so I'm interested! I'd like to try it someday✨.