SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Taka特別純米 直汲 60特別純米
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Rafa papa
Taka Special Junmai Naokumi 60 At the end of last year, we had a lot of events such as national conquest and 100CI and the stock clearance of the gift and the project I drank in a hurry. I think I rushed a little too much. I can finally settle down and drink the sake I want to drink slowly. I drank a sake from Yamaguchi prefecture that I was interested in. It's fresh and has a little bit of bruise. After a good acidity comes from the sweetness and the umami, a lingering bitterness remains. The bitterness is not disagreeable and is pleasant When I opened two bottles of this sake at New Year's, I felt that the sake becomes mellower and tastier if you leave it a little longer than right after opening. After all this time... This year, I'm going to drink more than one sake at a time instead of drinking them all at the same time.
Rafa papa,Good evening🌆 I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, but I'm sure I'll be able to make it. If you have room in your fridge😁.
Rafa papa
Hello Haruei Chichi😃. I'm not trying to force it but I don't have any 4-packs left 😅. I'll try to take it easy on the taste and compare a few different kinds of drinks🤣.
Rafa papa
Hi Wanchan😃! I've been curious about Yamaguchi Prefecture's sake lately, so I drank your bottle 😆. It was as delicious as I expected👍🤤.