SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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We visited Asano Sake Shop in Umeda, Osaka, to celebrate the arrival of spring on February 4, and we were able to enjoy a bottle of Risshun Asashiboshi from Okayama Prefecture's Kabishin Sake Brewery that had arrived ahead of schedule! The appearance is crystal clear. The aroma has a strong rice aroma with a hint of ginjo. The mouthfeel starts with a light acidity that even has a slight sourness to it, followed by a gradual sweetness and umami of the rice, with a slight bitterness that is lifted by the acidity. The acidity is strong, so if you like acidity, you will like this type. I am basically a "umakuchi" lover, but I also like sourness, so I enjoyed it. The brewer brewed this freshly pressed sake just in time for the 4th of February. It is a sake that celebrates spring and is purified for good health, business prosperity, and family safety.