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KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 無濾過生原酒
フリーター一代男This was purchased along with Orioli Rock from Yamama. Koei Kiku was another brand that I had heard good things about but had never had a chance to pick up (I passed it up a lot), but I was finally able to purchase it. I didn't know that it was sparkling until I opened the bottle (there is an illustration on the tag that tells you that), so I was a bit surprised, but since I drank it just before Christmas, it was a good substitute for champagne. I would like to try another spec.
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, freelancer first generation man 😃. I opened the snoclet without knowing it was a snoclet 🚀. You must have been surprised 😳 Looks like it would go well with roast chicken 🍗😍.
フリーター一代男Good morning, Jay and Nobby! This was not that loud, so it was not a problem.