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Takaji純米 雄町 無濾過生原酒限定直汲み純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Last night, I had a drink at Hachifukujusuya with members of the company's sake club? s sake club, we had drinks at Hachifukujuya in Ebisu. The restaurant was the venue of our recent petit off-line meeting, and we felt at ease to revisit. This time we were seated relatively close to the refrigerator, and the elderly waiter brought us sake when he noticed it even if we didn't order it, almost an omakase course😅. That was another new discovery. Among the sakes we drank, Nabeshima's standard safe special junmai was highly praised by all for its clear freshness, balance, and freshness-producing gasiness despite being fire-aged, but equally well received was Tagaji. This unfiltered, direct-filtered Omachi has a lactic mouthfeel, umami, and freshness that is enchanting. I have never been a fan of Oumachi, but I was surprised by the deliciousness of Tagaji's Oumachi. I would love to buy some and drink it at home. Today I'm resting my liver. I will prepare for tomorrow's sake day👍. Memo Jyushidai Junmai Nakadori Unfiltered Nama-Zume Takeyu Oze no Yukidoke Halloween limited edition Gagakuyo Nabeshima Special Junmai Sake Mikuyo Autumn Sake Junmai Ginjo Kamo Kanehide Autumn Agari Tagaji Junmai Omachi Unfiltered Nama Sake Limited Direct Kumi Shichida Omachi Hiyoroshi Nanada Aizan Hiyoroshi Otokoyama Abukuma Shinomine
Good morning, Mr. Hiraccio 😃. Looking at the lineup you drank, it seems that most of the brands are more stable, well established and calm than glamorous sake: ✌️ I'm surprised to hear that you were surprised by Tagaji, I'll look for it next time ❣️
3KAN4ON, thanks for your comment 😊. It was mainly seasonal sake such as hiyaoroshi, which is not on that thick menu list 🌾. Tagaji's Omachi was not on the menu, but it was delicious,
I'm curious to know if Tagaji's deliciousness was genuine, so I'll try it at home. I just saw it at the sake shop Yamada in Ikebukuro Seibu and will buy it👍.