I've been taking a day off from drinking lately.
The day after a day off drinking stings 🤤.
Mutsu Hachisen is good 🥰, the best!
It has a deep flavor and is delicious 🤣.
I love it ⭕.
Good evening, Drunken Giraffe.
You need a day off from drinking 💧.
That's a good point ❗
I've been saying since last year that I want to take 3 days off my liver a week first 🤣.
It sinks in after you've put up with it 😊.
ma-ki--san . Hi there, I'm a new member of the group and I'm looking forward to your comments.
At first I thought (I can't believe you don't drink), but when I tried it, it was easy~! It's so good because I persevered 🤤.