SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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On this Nagano sake trip, we went to a popular izakaya near Matsumoto station I enjoyed it so much that I bought a bottle at a liquor store on my way home. I bought it at a liquor store on the way home: ‼️ My wife loves apple🍎 yeast sake ❗️ Refreshing aroma and sweet and sour taste😊. It's even easier to drink because it's low al at 13 degrees Celsius. It's easy to drink 😅 It's great in the summer when it's cooled down to the perfect temperature. It's great to drink it chilled in summer 👍
Good evening, Chobin 😃. Gao Tian! I've never had it 🥲 but I bet it was delicious to drink locally 🤗. Sweet and sour 13 degrees 😍I would love to drink this 😋.
Good evening Jay & Nobby, ❗️ This is the first time I've heard of this drink😅. It tastes quite modern and easy to drink👍 There were other sakes that I drank for the first time. I liked all of them 😍. Nagano sake, it's very deep ‼️