SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Minami特別純米 無濾過 生酒特別純米生酒無濾過
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Dry Sake I'll make it auras. South of Kochi I've had this special junmai unfiltered nama-shu from Torin several times in the past, but this was the first time for me! It is fresh as the word "Nama-shu" implies! Not too spicy! It was easy to drink! It was a delicious sake to go with the meat sauce gratin I just had! Now let's drink all-you-can-drink shochu! We were told that we could drink Sato Black and Dabada Hiburi, so we had a glass of each on the rocks! There were also some liqueur liquors such as yuzu, mandarin orange and grape, but let's save them for next time! This spring, I will be able to visit Okayama (Kurashiki), Kagoshima, Fukuoka (twice), and Kyoto, so I will be on the lookout for good sake 🍶. extensive knowledge This sake is an unfiltered seasonal special junmai sake made from "Matsuyama Mitsui" rice refined to 60%. Although the junmai ginjo has been changed to Dewasan, this special junmai is still made with Matsuyama Mitsui as in previous years. It has a clean and crisp aroma as if from the south, fresh and full rice flavor, and a refreshing and moderate acidity that gives it a nice crispness. Although unfiltered, it has a well-balanced flavor and is a dry sake that you will never get tired of drinking.