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Goninmusumeむすひ 無農薬発芽玄米100%
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Kansai Sake no Wa🚃Hanzai Train Off-line Meeting 14th Cup Mr. Sakéran himself told us to drink at least one sake per person 😳. Out of the 20 bottles, this one left the biggest impression on me 🤣. Nemuchi-san opened and closed the bottle for quite a long time before it finally opened💦. Yellow liquid, sour when you drink it 🤣‼️ Sour like old pickles. And the bitter taste mixed with the good taste, a little bitter like pickles. When you drink it with Mr. Sakeran's homemade pork chops, you'll be amazed 😳. Delicious ❣️ Thank you for the sake and the pork chops, Mr. Sakeran, which is a very brave drink to drink alone 🙏 I learned a lot! It was a good learning experience! At the halfway point, it was time to switch seats as is customary for Sakélan-san! We drew lots and everyone moved 💨. Thank you for everything 😊.
Good evening, Pon😊. This is amazing! It's really pickles. I can understand why some people are addicted to the taste. Unforgettable 😄.
Hello, Takechi-san ☀☀☀☀! It's great that you drank it 😆👍What is this? You get used to it after the third sip or so 🤣I'll never forget it 🤣.