SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Sen no Rikyu大人計画 島田スペシャル 混醸 愛山×山田錦 純米吟醸 火入れ純米吟醸
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This sake is limited to two liquor stores, one in Sakai and the other in Kishiwada. Only 12 bottles are in stock, so the next time I come back, there won't be any left, so I was allowed to try a special sample before purchasing. It has a rather gorgeous ginjo aroma. It has a low alcohol content and is sweet with a gentle taste. It is low in alcohol, but you can feel the fullness of the flavor. It has no gaseous feeling, but it is fresh. It can be used by itself or with food. Shimada Special is delicious no matter what you drink.