Arabashiri" is the first sake that comes out of the bottle when it is pressed. It has a fruity aroma and a clean, crisp taste with a refreshing aftertaste. They recommend it for rich Chinese and meat dishes.
Sake rice: Koji rice: Hanabukiyuki from Aomori Prefecture, Kake rice: Mashigura, Polishing ratio: 55%, 60%, Yeast: undisclosed
Served well chilled ✨
The aroma before drinking is faintly fruity. The mouthfeel is light, bitter and acidic, with a fresh lightness and sharp sharpness 😆 The alcohol content is surprisingly high at 16 degrees, which makes this one a Swiss drink, but a dangerous one 🤤.
We combined Oma Tuna, Akami and Chutoro!
A big piece of tuna and sake go well together👍
Hachisen is great 😊
I'm aiming for the Hachisen Fisherman's Fire draft 🍶.
Good evening, Shinmarukoya-san.
My brain is buzzing with the sharpest and sharpest Hachisen-san and Oma tuna is too delicious 😁✨.
Have a good drinking time 😊.
Hi chika!
This is my first time to drink Hakusen and it's delicious 😊.
I would like to try different kinds again 🤤.
Hi, ma-ki-!
It went well with the fatty Oma tuna! It's useful where I can concentrate on sake ✨.