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Kuromatsu Hakushika蔵開限定しぼりたて新酒・純米原酒
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Shiraga Kura-opening: Part 2 🌾! The limited edition sake that we had 3 refills at the paid tasting! The brewery is about to sell out of bottled sake and there is still a line 😅. After leaving the venue 🚶. We went to "Shiroshika Classics", a directly-managed store near the brewery to buy and take home ✨. Take home ✨! Memorandum Alcohol content: between 17 and 18 degrees Celsius Rice polishing ratio: 70 Ingredients: Rice, domestic rice Koji, domestic rice Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It has a light feel, but the richness and The richness and umami come through quickly. ☺️ The aftertaste is dark and crisp! This dry brewer's brew is the best! It's so delicious ⤴️ I'm glad I came across it 😊. Photo 1: The second prize 🏆 in the gacha at the brewery opening event. I won the second prize 🏆, a Japanese Heritage commemorative I was so happy 🎯. I was so happy 🎯.