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Kid純米吟醸 にごりざけ生純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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Kido's Nigori Sake That I've Been Wanting to Try Purchased at Abehachi Sake Shop Forgetting that you can't store it on its side I bought a bottle. My wife treated me like I was in the way... Compared to Akatake snow, it has much more lees. It's not pale, it's pure white! This is what the warning says. The tingling sensation of raw sake is still strong. The aroma and the first sip My impression is pineapple. Strangely, it is not that sweet. The unique flavor and mellowness of the nigori It's like the sweetness has been replaced by the mellowness. This is my first time to try Kido's nigori. I was disappointed in a good way. It's quite tasty. I only buy a bottle of sake that I like and that I am sure of. If I buy a bottle, I finish it in less than two weeks. Maybe I should cut back on the amount of sake I drink. Today I bought I bought two bottles of sake other than Kido. This is the first time for me to buy and drink any of them at home. I'm looking forward to it!