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Saku FLINT Junmai Ginjo Posted on Feb 11 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol 15%. Sake meter - Acidity I am grateful for the limited sale "Saku" that I received from a friend who lives in Mie at the end of last year 😘. The aroma after opening the bottle is more like roasted nuts or almonds than a slight sweetness of rice 🤔It is not like Saku in a good way, and you can hardly feel the sourness like lactic acid! It is not like a crop in a good sense, and I don't feel acid like lactic acid at all. It's not like a brew, in a good way, and there is almost no acidity like lactic acid. It is delicious even if you drink it well chilled, and please try drinking it warm or warmed up to human skin! I wish I had shaved it to warm up earlier because I tried it when there were only a few bottles left 😁. 〜Excerpt from the description that came with the bottle... The sake is named after the flint that saved the life of Yamato Takeru. It is said that Yamatotakeru fell ill during his journey and was enshrined in a mausoleum, where he became a large Shirochidori (white bird) and flew to heaven. Delicious! Tomorrow, Feb. 12, I'll be playing soccer again after 10 months since my surgery ⚽.
Good evening, kozo🦉. This is the first time I see this work! Nice sake gift 🎁😊I'm curious about the slightly different taste 😁. Good luck with the soccer ⚽ tomorrow ‼️
Pon. Good morning....... This friend of mine sends me a crop and an assortment of sweets every year 😍Thank you! I knew I was back in soccer, but I couldn't get the ball to my feet 💦 Well, I was able to run a little, so I enjoyed it.