A sake brewery in Namie-cho, Fukushima. After the earthquake, they made sake in Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture, and reopened in Namie in 2021. Suzuki Shuzo is a brewery that we, Tohoku people, would like to support from the bottom of our hearts.
I had an image of this sake as a man of the sea sake, but this Shiboritate was gently sweet, a little shrieky, exciting and dandy man 🩵.
How is it possible that such a wonderful sake is available at a 7-Eleven in Sendai? Seven-Eleven carries limited quantities of 300ml bottles of seasonal nama-zake, so you really can't miss it! Last time I was at a Seven in Shinjuku, they had a bottle of Toshimaya Sake on sale for a brief moment! Who the heck is Seven? I really appreciate it!
Good evening, mayu 😃.
Dear God Seven 🤗If there was no Seven near my house 😑I would be exhausted😱.
Same here, thanks for real ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Glad to share! Is the buyer the store manager? The amount of effort is totally different depending on the store 😂.