SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I was surprised in a good way because the nuances and flavors were swept away, as close as possible to white champagne. I was surprised in a good way 😆 The potential of the rice is terrific. It is a perfect match with sea urchin squid and sashimi. If you are wondering which white wine or champagne to pair with Japanese food, especially raw seafood, I definitely recommend this one. It is hard to find in Chiba, but I happened to get it at Inamaya in Chiba Station, where I was going back to my new post. It's best chilled to a crisp. 🐈️🐈️🐈️
Hi Lara's Sake 😃. Congratulations on your first birth ㊗️ 🎉! The spawn🚀 when you open it is scary 😅 but when you drink it, it's amazingly good 🤗 really! It's more than champagne🍾, it's a birthplace ‼️
Good evening, J&N! I was really lucky to find a popular sake. I am sorry to say 😋 that I only had Edo faceted glass since I was working alone. Next time, I will prepare champagne glasses! 🍸.