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Okunoto no shiragiku風の森 コラボレーション醸造酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Don't stop Noto! Kaze no Mori collaboration. Yamadanishiki that escaped the disaster, brewed with Kanazawa yeast and ultra-hard water in Gosho. They were selling it in bulk, so they stocked up. The aroma on the nose is sweet, with a hint of white chrysanthemum from Okunoto. When you put it in your mouth, it has a gentle sweetness similar to that of Okunoto's white chrysanthemum. The final taste is a slight bitterness that is typical of Kaze no Mori and finishes off the palate. It was a strange collaboration of flavors and aromas, but it was delicious 🍶✨.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san. I'm still curious about the collaboration between Okunoto's Shirakiku and Kaze no Mori 😊I'd love to drink this collaboration with its mysterious taste and aroma💕.
Good morning Peco 🌞. I got hooked on Shirakiku after drinking the Yukawa version this year😊. I bought a bottle of last year's fire-aged junmai, a bottle of Rescue jungin and a bottle of the recently released blue label honjozo at home 😘.