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Inemankai Check-in 1Inemankai Check-in 2
This is a rare sake made from ancient rice. It is made from something called purple-black rice, and the "Ine" in Ine Mangaka is the name of the land. From the aroma, it already has a sour taste. At the same time, it has a chocolate-like aroma. The mouthfeel is soft, but the first impression is as if it were a gargle (laugh). (Laughs) The taste soon turns chocolatey, but it is not excessively sweet, and the acidity is mainly strong. The bitter taste is added to the chocolatey flavor. I can feel the alcohol taste, but it seems to be in the normal range. The aftertaste is long and lingers on the back of the tongue like sweet and sour tangerines covered with chocolate. Some water is also present. When swallowing, the alcohol sticks in the throat a little. When I thought the taste was similar to something else, I found out that it tastes like the Anazaview of Miyoshikiku with a little complexity and fruity flavor removed and a burnt taste added. This is a taste that is not for everyone. I don't think I would willingly recommend it. Some people may think it smells like chemicals. Hmmm...maybe it would be better to drink it on the rocks, so I'll try it next time.
The guy at the brewery said it becomes something else when heated.
Thank you very much. I will give it a try.