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The annual new sake from Drunken Whale! This sake is available at 、、、、、 in the sake swamp. Come on! Here we go again this year: ❗️🍶 The aroma is a hint of sweetness in the nose. The kind of sweetness is,, sweet with a sense of al. Now a sip: ❗️ Al-ness and sourness in the mouth. The sweetness follows a little later. All of them are refreshing tastes that come and go only for a moment and disappear smoothly. The flavor makes you want to taste it again right away. It's like a drunken whale! It's so smooth! It's just like a drunken whale. I think this sake tastes better after three days than when it is just opened, so I would like to enjoy it with patience and not drink a lot. I hope everyone will be interested in the taste of Drunken Whale. ❗️
Good morning, Mr. Yoshiyoshi. I see that it was Drunken Whale's new sake that triggered your sake swamp. ⤴️ I guess there is a sake that triggers it after all 😁✨✨and it is special❗ I'd love to get some if I can find it 😊.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-! Thanks to you, I'm excited to see this whale🐋 symbol (lol) We have many kinds, so please try and enjoy the drink: ❗️