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Senkin初槽 せめ純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
The three brothers of the first tank (3) The last one is "SESAME The smallest of the three brothers. Domaine Sakura: 100% Yamadanishiki is used. Polishing ratio: 50% for koji rice, 60% for kake rice Alcohol content 14%. Sake meter - Acidity Fat: 3/4 opened, 3/26 submitted I've heard that it has a lot of miscellaneous flavors because it is squeezed at the end of the bottle, but every time I drink it, I hardly feel it! It has a fresh grape (similar to Delaware) fruitiness, and of course the acidity characteristic of Senkou is the strongest of the three, but it's not unpleasant at all. It is moderately spicy 😘. The "Nakadori" is also delicious, but the "Seste" is the most Japanese sake of the three, easy to drink and delicious, and the "Arabashiri" contains a lot of lees, so you can enjoy its freshness while it's still shrieking! Yum! I think I will finish these 3 bottles this year 😱. It's one of my favorite seasonal Sentori series so I'm not disappointed 😭 I paired this sake with a semi-hard type of mozzarella cheese 🧀 🤩 The mozzarella itself is not very assertive, so for better or worse, they respect each other and went better together than I expected👍
Hey Kozou, it's me 😃. Thanks for the 3 brothers review 😌 I don't feel any clutter in Kochira's blame 🤗 we are also fans of the first tank 🥲 so we are sorry to see it go 😄 but we are excited for something new!
Thanks for the review, Koizo! I think it's just as you wrote 😊👍It's true that it's a sake! And it's surprisingly easy to drink and tastes great 😻It's great to drink it at home with snacks 😻
Jay & Nobby. Good morning 🤩. It's fun to compare drinks like the three first tank brothers to feel the subtle differences 🤩I feel the same way and I'm depressed by the first tank loss 😅I'm looking forward to the new sake👍.
Pon-chan Good morning... I've been slacking on posting lately💦I've been writing down my impressions in my notes, but I haven't had a good time to post them... The beauty of drinking at home is that you can enjoy the changes at your leisure 🥰.