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Brands from Hakusen Shuzo


28 Nakakawabe, Kawabe, Kamo-gun, Gifu
map of Hakusen Shuzo
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I had no idea there was a cooking sake, so I drank it. The color is almost amber, and it has a clean, flat flavor that you would not expect from a 75% polished sake, and it is crisp and clean.
福来純純米 料理酒純米
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Oh, no, sir! I'm not a kitchen drinker or an addict or anything like that. The original brewer said, "This product is sake under the Liquor Tax Law, so we do not use salt. Of course, you can drink it. And since the pamphlet mentioned a recommended temperature range, I thought I'd have to try it just for the fun of it. First of all, the color was very yellow. It's like lemon tea. The aroma is quite distinctive. I can't say whether it's the alcohol or the miscellaneous taste, but it has a mirin-like aroma. It has a mirin-like aroma. It may be difficult to drink on its own, but as a cooking sake, you can enjoy it while eating rice without worrying about it. My impression is that it is rather ordinary. You can feel the flavor as soon as you put it in your mouth. It's not too far off from the image of the aroma. It has a sweetness and consistency similar to that of tortoiseshell candy. The alcohol is not as strong as you might expect, but it might follow you after you drink it. I think it's just that the aroma is so strong that everyone is drawn to it. It's not bad, but since I originally bought it as a cooking sake, I'd like to use the rest as a regular cooking sake. The rest of the bottle will be used as regular cooking sake, but I'm sure it will make a delicious dish with double the flavor.

Brands from Hakusen Shuzo