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kamosu mori純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
フジフジNaeba Shuzo brewery in Naka-uonuma, Niigata KAUSUMORI Junmai Ginjyo Nama Shuzake I thought it was hard to buy even if I could drink it in a store occasionally I thought it was hard to buy. I had given up on it for a long time! I had given up on it for a long time, I found it by chance at a liquor store, I was completely excited to buy it 😆. I hadn't had it in a while, It's so good that it still makes my head spin! It's so good! I felt a little gas, The juicy sweetness goes round and round in my mouth The juicy sweetness goes round and round in the mouth and finally cut off by the acidity. The best sake 🍶🌠🌠🌠🌠.
こぞうMr. FujiFuji. Good morning 🥰. I'm so glad I stumbled across your sake 🥰I agree with the expression "totally forward" 😁. I agree with the phrase "mind-boggling goodness" 🤣. I can feel the deliciousness...
フジフジMr. Koizo Thank you for your comment! We will continue to cherish the encounter with good sake 😊.