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Abu no Tsuru活性 おりがらみ純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ発泡
flos_lingua_est Collection Review 84 I thought it was interesting to have an active orikara in the summer time, so I asked the manager about it and he said "this is one of the most interesting sakes that have come in recently", so I bought it right away. The cork made a loud popping sound and blew up to the ceiling! You know that white gas that sometimes comes out when you just open a bottle? It has such a strong "fizzing" power that it seems as if it "fizzes" because of that. LOL! The aroma is of fruits and sweet aroma of Abeya and unpolished wind forest. When you drink it, you will find it has a sweet and sour taste! This is easy to understand and delicious! LOL! I think this kind of lactic acid-like sake goes surprisingly well with fermented foods, such as kimchi and natto. The bitterness at the end gives the sake a strong Japanese flavor. It is the kind of sake that educates you, saying, "We made it easy to understand at first, but the taste at the end is sake, so remember it. LOL! In that sense, I think it is the best sake for people who are just starting to drink sake to get more into it. San-do is made with a low alcohol content of about 12 degrees, but if you think of it as a 15-degree version of that, you can get a similar image. It is only 3 degrees, but I like it better because I feel like I am drinking sake.