SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
It's been almost a year since I started Sake no Wa. I have been using this app for a year now. I thought it was the ability to talk about sake, the national drink, at a sake party. I have been thinking about what I can do to make the sake boom more temporary and what I can do to make the sake boom more permanent. I am enjoying my sake life while thinking about what I can do to make sure the sake boom does not end temporarily... Mikotsuru is one of the breweries located in the Suwa area. The brewery is located near the Shimojya Shrine of Suwa-taisha, which is famous for the Omihashira Festival. The Miyamanishiki Jungin is an excellent, well-balanced, easy-drinking sake with a delicious taste. It has a gaseous and somewhat fresh taste. It is also a highly recommended item.
Good morning, Shota 😃. Congratulations on the 1st anniversary of Sake-no-wa ㊗️🎉! Sake gets more profound the more you drink it 😌I hope this delicious and interesting taste spreads 🤗. We love Mikotsuru too👍.
Dear Mr. Shota. Nice to meet you and congratulations on your first anniversary. I am not a good drinker, but I agree with you. Gokotsuru is also delicious. Sake and rice are wonderful, aren't they?
Congratulations on your first anniversary, Shota 🎉🎊! It's wonderful that you have so many thoughts and feelings about saké ✨It's really difficult to convey 💦I look forward to more reviews 😊.
Good morning Jay & Nobby😃I always enjoy reading your posts. I know the sake industry is tough, but there are still more than 1000 breweries making sake. I hope to meet more breweries!
Nice to meet you WOM! I think sake made with rice is a historical culture of Japan. New sake rice is being developed these days, isn't it? Sake is getting better and better every day. Let's continue to enjoy our drinking lifestyle 😊!
Good morning, Pon-chan 🌞. I enjoy reading your daily posts. It's a shame that you are Japanese and don't know about sake. I would like those who drink sake but do not know about sake to taste it!