SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Tenmei中取り 壱号特別純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
Tenmei Check-in 1Tenmei Check-in 2
雅(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
This is my first Tenmei ️. A little bit of semedyne in the aroma, but the taste is fruity and crisp like Gohyakumangoku, and the aftertaste is sweet like melon. While I was busy with childcare, I discovered the joy of drinking sake little by little on the web. I'm going to put all my energy into raising my kids and drinking 😆.
Good evening, Masa(☝︎ ᵑᵑ)! 😄 Is your first Tenmei the first one! It's nice... 👍 After throwing all your energy into childcare, you should be healed with sake 😊.
Masashi, good evening. In my hometown, it's hard to find Tenmei 🥲. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
雅(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
MAJ, good evening 😆. I went shopping with a friend for the first time in almost a year, and we were able to get the Tenmei I've been wishing for. It's bliss to be able to hold my son, put him to sleep, feed him and drink sake every day!
雅(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
Haruei Chichi, good evening 😆. There is only one shop in my hometown, so I can't go there every time, but I was lucky to be able to buy it. It would be great if we could compare the No. series 😁.
Good evening ☺️You're in the child-rearing generation❗️I'm also in the daily routine of drinking milk - chibi-chibi after putting them to bed👍Tenmei is delicious✨Let's enjoy sake and child-rearing‼️.
雅(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
Good evening, Tuna Fisherman 😆. I'm still having a hard time with my newborn baby who's only about 2 weeks old w I thought my first Tenmei was delicious ️I want to drink the other series too I will do my best to enjoy both parenting and sake😁.