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Released today! It's Akabu Aizan! I've had the fire-brewed Aizan before, but this is my first time drinking a draft, so I'm looking forward to it! I've already drank 2 goules, so my memory is a bit fuzzy, but the top aroma is sweet and sour with a hint of Aizan. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the carbonic acidity and the sweet and sour taste unique to Aizan, which is unique to nama-shu. When you drink it, the freshness and the sweet and sour lingering taste of Aizan spread to the back of your throat. After all, Aizan is the best. I usually drink only 1 gou of Aizan, but I would drink 2 gou of this. Thank you Aizan! I can't say much more. It's just delicious!