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ZakuFLINT 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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<I'll be back. to a soft and gentle landing. This is a slightly unusual work. It's a PB from Morishita Sakenoten, a liquor store that also has a store at Ise Jingu. The aroma has a slight sweetness of rice and a sourness of lactic acid. On the palate, it is mellowly sour-sweet with a strong umami flavor. From there, it changes to a full and gentle taste. It also has a slight aged taste. The lady at the shop said it was also good on the rocks. It certainly sounds good. But for me, it's better at room temperature. And when I had it heated to human skin, the sweetness and umami opened up. I have deep pockets. It's not Ghibli, but it's like Yamato Takeru from Yuuki Masami's "The Adventures of Yamato Takeru". Yes. I'm pulled in by the origin of the sake. I think "The Adventures of Yamato Takeru" is pretty minor. It's a short story in a single book from the beginning. But from this time on, the Yuuki Masami style has already been perfected. It's aloof, but full of fun. Satisfaction: ★★★★* I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "korune-sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
I love this bottle too, it’s drier than other zaku sakes.
Thanks. If you like dry ZAKU,I also recommend Suzukagawa,a local sake from the same brewery :)