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I was disappointed that I missed out on buying the first batch of Hirotogawa nigori sake, and then I found this one. This one reigns as one of the top three new sake nigori available for purchase. Every year it is delicious, how about this year? Perhaps it was because it was well chilled, but the opening sizzle subsided after waiting three times for the bottle to rise. When you put it in your mouth, it's a fully carbonated schwizzle, immediately dry-eyed sweetness to apple-level sourness, and a silky sweetness with a touch of creaminess. The body is so light and easy to drink that it is hard to believe that it is a 14% sake. It is lighter than last year's. The satisfaction is still the same. The sense of satisfaction is the same. The sweetness seems to have increased a little. Anyway, it was a bottle that did not disappoint. 9.5