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Setoichi Kaze ga Kita Tokubetsu Junmai Shu Jusui Shizukuri Koji 70%, Kake 70%, Yamadanishiki 720ml 1834yen Seto Shuzo is a revived brewery in Ashigara, Kanagawa Prefecture, but they set the price of most of their products at almost 1,900 yen. This time, I tried a different spec. The first sip of the bottle. Hmmm? This one has a stronger umami than the ones I've had before. It has a rich and round taste, like plum wine. The yeast used is No. 6, and I like No. 6 yeast. The core of this sake is firm, but it is not too strong, so you can drink it for a long time. The rice is polished to 70%, which is good because the rice is not polished too much. The fact that the sake is brewed with 10 to 20 percent less water than usual (to make a thicker sake, fermentation proceeds with a higher concentration of rice) may also be a good thing as it gives the sake a rich flavor. I think they put a lot of effort into the design and name of the sake, and the fact that the brewery is small and the production volume is low, so they are using an expensive brand strategy, but I wonder how well it is selling. I wonder how well it is selling and whether the brewers are making money. 4.0 20220201