Gakki Masamuneforte-piano
Participated in a 30km training session in preparation for a full marathon in February 🏃 I was able to follow my goal pacer with plenty of time to spare and finished safely👍.
Today I was in a good mood, so I opened a bottle of "Masamune" 🍶.
I know it's definitely better not to drink after practice, but I just can't help myself...
I will refrain from drinking in February... 😓.
Hi Koi 😃.
You mentioned a full marathon 🤗30km first 🤗that's just great 👍Reward is important though 😅Good luck with drinking in moderation for the real thing ‼️ and let's have a blast when you're done 😆.
Jay & Nobby.
Thank you for all your comments 😭
I would like to refrain myself for the show, but I can't stand it... 😓I'll stock up the fridge now so I can play it after the show 🍶.