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米まっくすTenmei / Fukushima Tenmei MITSUGO "Red" ice-aged sake Like a ladybug The eye-catching jacket is a must-see. Contrary to its pop appearance, it is a low-polished sake 88% low-polishing sake. When you sip it, the umami spreads softly and the ripe fruitiness comes out. and a sense of ripe fruitiness comes to the surface. The aroma is moderate, but there are no unpleasant tastes. I thought it would be more violent. It's a classy ladybug. The low milling ratio. I was curious, so I looked it up. The toji (master brewer) shaves the rice by 1% and licking the rice bran to make sure it is He felt that the sweetness and umami He felt that the sweetness and umami had dropped at around 12%. Generally, the more polished the sake is the more polished it is, the higher the quality of the sake. However, the more polished the rice is, the higher the quality of the sake. This is a new concept of sake that includes the outer impurities of rice as well. When you drink it again after learning about the thoughts of the master brewer, you will be able to enjoy it again. the taste buds are focused on the thoughts of the master brewer, and the taste is different. the way you taste it will change and it will be delicious again. Sake is something to be enjoyed together with the thoughts of its creator. sake is to be enjoyed together with the thoughts of its creator. I felt that sake is to be enjoyed together with the thoughts of its creator. ---------------- Sake Class Junmai Sake Sake Brewer Akebono Shuzo Rice Omachi Polishing ratio 88% (%) Alcohol Content 14% (%) Sake Degree +3 Acidity +1.4 Amino acidity +0.8