SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
瀧澤壬寅 槽垂れ(にごり生原酒) 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒槽しぼり
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Tonight, too, it is accompanied by this one, which has been sitting in the refrigerator for more than a year. When the bottle is opened, it has a slightly sweet and gorgeous ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it has a sweet, rich flavor. It is fruity and delicious♪ The light acidity at the finish gives it a pleasant aftertaste. When paired with soaked green pepper and tomatoes, the tomatoes mask the acidity of the sake, but the smoothness of the sake is maintained, which is also nice. After the grilled kama of warasa, the fruity taste is enhanced, which is also delicious. Even if you eat the main dish of grilled gyoza with vinegar and pepper, it is not defeated at all because of the strong base of the sake. It is a delicious dish that you can drink as much as you want, even though it is strong in flavor.